Author: Isabella Barbera

  • Welcome To My Green World: One Green Heart Action at a Time

    Welcome To My Green World: One Green Heart Action at a Time

  • Why Bees Can Save Us

    Why Bees Can Save Us

    Eight Small Steps You Can Take to Help the Bees Help Us As a kid, I worried about getting stung by a bee. I knew if a bee stung, it would hurt and that, for some people, the venom from the stinger could be very dangerous. A swarm of bees could disrupt a lazy afternoon…

  • Eating Right For Your Health

    Eating Right For Your Health

    Eating right is one of the best things you can do for self-care. As someone who has recovered from anorexia, I understand this is easier said than done. Eating disorders can loom over your life like the ever-changing cycles of the moon. The only way I was able to overcome it was by learning how…

  • Peggy K.’s Favorite Recipes

    Peggy K.’s Favorite Recipes

    Are you tired of the same old restrictive diets and bland meals that are supposed to make you healthy? Look no further than Peggy K., the Manhattan-based nutritionist who is revolutionizing the way we think about healthy living. Peggy believes that health is all about lifestyle and dietary choices that are easy, delicious, and sustainable.…

  • Tears Falling from the Top of Africa | Jake’s Transformational Travel Journey

    Tears Falling from the Top of Africa | Jake’s Transformational Travel Journey originally posted here Every year, my best pals and I go backpacking into the wilderness together, sharing in the awe and wonder of our planet, contemplating life, and having conversations that matter. One year, we decided to ascend Mt. Kilimanjaro and it ended…

  • An Invitation to Renew Your Relationship with Our Mother

    An Invitation to Renew Your Relationship with Our Mother

    An Invitation to Renew Your Relationship with Our Mother was originally posted here EARTH DAY 2023 Despite growing awareness and efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. The fact is that this will lead to more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, and other destructive…

  • Why Everyday Should Be Earth Day

    Why Everyday Should Be Earth Day

    Staying Informed And What It Takes To Truly Become An Environmentalist Earth Day has long had a special significance for me.Aside from the fact that it coincides with my birthday, it is also the day in 2006 that I stood on the Santa Monica Promenade alongside my family wearing our matching green Patagonia shirts embossed…